Dark Science #34 – Wait

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Dark Science #34 - Wait

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Hey guys! I’ve just started a Patreon to help support the comic and expand what I can do with it. If you don’t know, Patreon is a monthly donation system that has project benchmarks, sort of like a Kickstarter. I’m offering lots of rewards and that sort of thing, but the ultimate goal (via hiring a helper to handle my non-drawing work) is to have a regular Dresden Codak update schedule for the first time ever! If regular updates is something you’re into, check out what I’m offering over there, because I think this is finally something achievable!

Sorry for the radio silence for so long. I’d been kind of not dealing with anxiety and depression for the better part of a year, and it reached a breaking point last month. I’m doing well now, but all this has necessitated a limited use of the internet for a while. For the next few months I won’t be available much through social media, so if you need to contact me, please email me at dresdencodak@gmail.com. If you don’t follow me on Twitter or Tumblr, you won’t notice any difference, as I’ll still be updating the comic as always! I’ll also be posting sketches and little content updates on the Patreon blog.

Thanks so much for your patience and support. I couldn’t ask for a better readership, you guys really are the best there ever could be.

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