Tiny Carl Jung

From the internet that brought you the Original Philosophy RPG. I don’t usually like the things I make but this one is pretty okay.

Advanced Dungeons & Discourse

I hope you all enjoyed the Hob storyline; it’s been one heck of a ride for me, let me tell you. I highly recommend going […]

Hob #27 – The End

This is an actual game idea that I’ve tossed around before. I have never actually played a tabletop RPG, though, so I’m probably grasping in […]

Dungeons And Discourse

Bad news: For those who have not already found out, A Lesson is Learned, but the Damage is Irreversible has gone on an extended (if […]

Summer Dream Job

I hope by this point you regular reader-types are starting to get a feel for where this nutty comic strip is headed. In this next […]

Anagoge Starring Tiny Carl Jung