It seems like Kimiko is probably referring to this chart in her wacky fanfiction. **Also you can get this comic as a print now! The Sleepwalkers
This one took forever, but I am happy with the result. If you like it a whole lot, now you can buy a print! Also, […] Fabulous Prizes
From the internet that brought you the Original Philosophy RPG. I don’t usually like the things I make but this one is pretty okay. Advanced Dungeons & Discourse
Goodness gracious. Only one page to go! I’ll be at the Small Press Expo this weekend in Bethesda, Maryland. Hope to see you there! Hob #26 – Epilogue
First order of business: Poop Sign. My roommate directed that commercial. Back by popular demand: For a donation of $5 or more you can get […] Hob #23 – The Rising Sun
Hi, remember me? Sorry about the obscene lateness of this comic, but I had the flu and then recovered just in time to move from […] Hob #17 – Temple Of The Sun
Yes, the long-ballyhooed Historical Preenactment Society finally makes an appearance. I’ve been told that several chapters around the US have already begun to form, so […] Hob #15 – Machine Messiah