New York and Toronto, here I come!

I’ll be exhibiting at the MoCCA Festival in New York this weekend! Come find me at booth E3 (with Johnny Wander), I’ll be drawing some things and bringing all my goodies, including books and posters! If you’re into comics that aren’t the big mainstream regulars, MoCCA is New York’s finest show for just that!

BUT IT DOESN’T STOP THERE: I’ll be at TCAF in Toronto next weekend doing some panels and bringing some books and merch as well. TCAF’s a great show and it’s free to attend! If you’re in town you should definitely give it a look. I’ll be at the TopatoCo booth upstairs.

Also, if you haven’t noticed the Dresden Codak Messenger Bags have finally arrived! I’m so pumped about these, you have no idea. Ever since I put that image in the comics, I’ve wanted to make these. They’re very high quality and glow in the dark, too!

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