I’ve recovered mostly from my hand injury, at least enough to type this to tell you guys that if you live in the Portland, OR area, you can see me this Thursday at Reed College talking about the best secrets.
3:00 pm-4:00 pm Thursday, Vollum Lounge Aaron Diaz, local author and illustration of the awesome, famous, sci-fi-psychological-technological-super webcomic is visiting Reed. This is a great opportunity to meet one of the coolest webcoming creators on the internet. Check out his work at www.dresdencodak.com, or just come by to check it out. It will be AWESOME.
I will reveal college secrets and the ancient techniques of drawing pictures and putting them on the internet!
Also, for no reason, check out this video my roommate made: a reenactment of Braveheart entirely done with puppets! http://www.vimeo.com/8749745